No. | Question | Answer |
01 | The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was | Mujibur Rehman |
02 | The longest river in the world is the | Nile |
03 | The longest highway in the world is the | Trans-Canada |
04 | The longest highway in the world has a length of | About 8000 km |
05 | The highest mountain in the world is the | Everest |
06 | The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is | Myan mar |
07 | The biggest desert in the world is the | Sahara desert |
08 | The largest coffee growing country in the world is | Brazil |
09 | The country also known as “country of Copper” is | Zambia |
10 | The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is | Durand line |
11 | The river Volga flows out into the | Capsian sea |
12 | The coldest place on the earth is | Verkoyansk in Siberia |
13 | The country which ranks second in terms of land area is | Canada |
14 | The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is | Sicily |
15 | The river Jordan flows out into the | Dead sea |
16 | The biggest delta in the world is the | Sunderbans |
17 | The capital city that stands on the river Danube is | Belgrade |
18 | The Japanese call their country as | Nippon |
19 | The length of the English channel is | 564 kilometres |
20 | The world’s oldest known city is | Damascus |
21 | The city which is also known as the City of Canals is | Venice |
22 | The country in which river Wangchu flows is | Myanmar |
23 | The biggest island of the world is | Greenland |
24 | The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is | Detroit, USA |
25 | The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is | USA |
26 | The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is | Malaysia |
27 | The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is | Malaysia |
28 | The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the | Mississippi |
29 | The city which was once called the `Forbidden City’ was | Peking |
30 | The country called the Land of Rising Sun is | Japan |
31 | Mount Everest was named after | Sir George Everest |
32 | The volcano Vesuvius is located in | Italy |
33 | The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is | Cuba |
34 | The length of the Suez Canal is | 162.5 kilometers |
35 | The lowest point on earth is | The coastal area of Dead sea |
36 | The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of | Nepal |
37 | The largest ocean of the world is the | Pacific ocean |
38 | The largest bell in the world is the | Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow |
39 | The biggest stadium in the world is the | Strahov Stadium, Prague |
40 | The world’s largest diamond producing country is | South Africa |
41 | Australia was discovered by | James Cook |
42 | The first Governor General of Pakistan is | Mohammed Ali Jinnah |
43 | Dublin is situated at the mouth of river | Liffey |
44 | The earlier name of New York city was | New Amsterdam |
45 | The Eifel tower was built by | Alexander Eiffel |
46 | The Red Cross was founded by | Jean Henri Durant |
47 | The country which has the greatest population density is | Monaco |
48 | The national flower of Britain is | Rose |
49 | Niagara Falls was discovered by | Louis Hennepin |
General Knowledge Questions with Answers – 1

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